Thursday, August 6, 2009

Oh, just some stuff, you know?

Things have been happening. Things haven't been happening.
That's a weak start to a blog, but how else can I sum the past few weeks up?

It's like one of those parties, such as the 21st I was at a few weeks ago, where you keep running in to people you knew a few years ago in high school or something, and they all ask me,
How are things?
What have you been up to?

"Well, after high school I went straight in to Uni, and I was doing this that and the other subject and then I decided I needed a break and now I'm just living with my mum and working in a cafe and saving up money to take an overseas trip, yeah it's alright I guess, I'm enjoying myself."

Later in the night, befuddled by drink and half-familiar faces, the conversations veer towards the surreal and jocular. But my replies only grow more honest as the evening progresses. A casual observer, if they didn't know me, might think I'm taking the piss, such is my sincerity. I soon reach a sort of zenith of erudition. I offer long-winded answers that speak about the big picture and the meaning of it all, and am seriously in need of someone to shut me up:

"How am I? Man, I've been up and down and all over the fucking place. It's been a long three years, lots of shit has gone down, and you know, I really do think that life is a beautiful thing and we are lucky to be living it."

"What am I up to? Just kind of living, you know, getting up in the morning, some days I have work and others I don't, I spend quite a few days sitting on my arse and sometimes I do shit.. I keep myself busy. I could give you a blow-by-blow account of the average day in the life of me, but honestly every day is different and they're all the same and there really isn't much to tell. I'm not trying to blow you off... But really, I think that's the essence of what life is like - apologies for getting all deep and meaningful - but really life is just some stuff happening and bouncing off some other stuff happening and it all kind of comes together, and it's beautiful, and that's really what God is and beauty and music and it's everything -
you know?"

Eventually, the booze takes over good and proper:

What are you up to these days?
"What am I up to these days?? What is anyone up to? What are we doing here on this fucking universe, in this godforsaken arse end of a planet?"

How are you these days?
(A broad, fuck-off grin)
(Nothing else)


Make the change today: Every time someone asks you how you are, give an honest answer. Even if the truth is unpleasant. It's rude, I believe, to fake positivity. Less rude to confess that you have mad period cramps, and you didn't get enough sleep last night, and you're worried about where your life is going and things are generally pear shaped.


Yeah. What was I talking about? Oh, it doesn't matter, I'm sure you can relate. No, that's right, I was making a weak start to a blog, and then I got carried away trying to fix it. Yes, and then I was saying, sometimes blogging is a bit like one of those parties, like the 21st I was at a few weeks ago, when you see all these people you used to know a few years ago...

Elsewhere in life, I have been reading On The Road, and I think it might be influencing me rather too much.


I hope this hasn't been too much of a limp cock of a blog entry.
I hope you are well, and all your friends and family too. No, really. I love you all. Cross my heart and hope to die.

I don't know how I can make you believe me on this one. I've been sarcastic for so long that I can't remember what sincerity sounds like.


  1. I utterly agree. Plus I think brutal honesty in a conversation is actually appreciated by the other person. I mean, honestly, who the fuck whats to hear another rambling account of your generic circumstances so you can build trust and sustain small talk.

    Be honest, create stimulating conversation, and trust people. If they turn out to be untrustworthy, well, they're obviously dickheads.

  2. Don't worry man, We're all in the same boat. The majority of people I know are happy, but doing fuck all/mindless drivel.
    Where you dishwashing at? It'd be good to catch up, but that's unlikely. Maybe we'll both be at the same 21st in the future.
